Assalamualaikum you olssssssssss =)
Hello peeps ! Rindu tak??? aku tau korang rindu aku kan..kan?? HahaXD
Tajuk nak gempak je kan...but that's a reality !!!! No one can change it =(
Next year I will be the victim of ES-PE-EM !!!!!!!!
And.and of course I'm seventeen already...Time flies REALLY.REALLY SUPER DUPER fast !
*ayat macam .....* hoho
Kat tuisyen tadi cikgu fizik tu telah menakut-nakutkan aku pasal all the chapters in PHYSIC...Oh man...Banyak lagi kena study and of course kena faham betul-betul...
The fact about PHYSIC :
1. It is really EASY !!! *what??? haha wait..easy to fail la* =P
2. 5 chapters for form 4 and another 5 chapters for form 5...
macam sikit kan but satu chapters tu macam....huh..tak tau nak cakap ape...
3. Ada 3 paper untuk dijawab =.= duh...why must we suffer like this??? hahaXD
4. So many formulas that we have to remember *banyak gila der..rasa macam nak gila je*

Bukan fizik je....ada lagi 9 subjek....sobs.sobs :'(
Tak de masa nak menangis....Kau dah menangis untuk setahun Siti Nur Farhana.Kalau kumpul semua air mata aku tu mesti banyak kan...boleh la dapat dalam satu tasik... hiperbola lagi..heee~
The 'boleh tahan la' subjects :
1. Bahasa Melayu
2. English
3. Sejarah
4. Pendidikan Islam
5. Tasawwur Islam
6. Math
The ' KILLER ' subjects :
1. Add Math
2. Physics
3. Chemistry
4. Biology
*please be GOOD to me~~~ can you??? =)
As you can see that's a lot right? But what can I do...
All that I can do is STUDY~ Think positive~ Endure all the PAIN~ And of course Allah is all there for me..I can always rely on HIM right...
InsyaAllah 10A+ for SPM !!!

Guys....please pray for my success ~ *making cute faces*
Amin.. selamat maju jaya dlm spm thun dpn. cpt2 masuk u n rasa uni life plak.. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks~ :D
ReplyDeletesamela kita :( ><
ReplyDeletecmelnye font. :D
ReplyDeleteahahaXD mestila sama.dh tuisyen pun sama2 kn?? :P
ReplyDeletethanks achk :D
ReplyDeleteyup yup yup !
ReplyDeleteerr scary 'GILA' :')
yeah we need to add the 'GILA' !!! haha :D
ReplyDeleteini bukan ZATI